My Approach

Sometimes, therapy gets a bad rap.

Many believe there’s nothing more to it than a person sitting across from you, asking, “How does that make you feel?”

Yeah, many therapists still practice that way, but not me.

It takes two.

Sometimes, I may ask you how you’re feeling, but my approach is more collaborative and directive.

I mean, you have friends who can ask you that free of charge, but that’s not working for you, or you wouldn’t be here, poking around my site, to see if I could help you, right?

We both must recognize that nobody knows you better than you, and it’s not me telling you what to do as much as it’s me guiding you and helping you view things differently.

I’m a psychodynamic therapist at heart.

What does that mean?

It means we get into your childhood (insert therapist joke here – but stay with me).

We will talk about your mother, father, caretakers, and family dynamics. I firmly believe that we are the sum of our experiences and surroundings, and we have to look at the whole picture.

Every one of us exists in a system. And those systems affect us – whether we like it or not.

But we’re all individuals, and I’ll honor that.

Every person is different, and there is no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach to therapy.

I’m a certified trauma specialist and use various tools from different theoretical schools such as CBT, DBT, and many others.

I’ll customize your therapy to meet your specific needs most effectively.

I will challenge you.

There may be days you don’t like me very much. And that’s okay.

We won’t always agree, and you can expect to be called out from time to time. But know that there is a method to my madness, and you will always be treated with respect, seen, and heard.

Not everything will be heavy all the time.

I promise there will be lighthearted moments, too.

I also use humor a lot. Therapy doesn’t have to be serious all the time. I’m not saying it is all shits and giggles, but there has to be some fun in it whenever possible.

It’s okay to laugh during therapy. In fact, it’s not only encouraged, it’s actually beneficial to have some levity during the healing process.

Shame has no place in my therapy room, and we’ll work together to relieve you of it and allow you to see things from a different perspective.

I earned my graduate degree from Northwestern University (Go Wildcats!), so I think I have a few functioning brain cells.

Bottom line: You’re in good hands.

Ready to spill your guts, work hard, have some fun, and feel better?

You’ve already taken the first big step. You’re here.

It’s time for changes. Reach out and let me help you make them.

Let’s tap into your inner strength and put you back in the driver’s seat of your life.