
Here it goes again – out of the blue.

Your chest is tight

You can’t breathe.

Say hello to your unwelcome friend, Anxiety.

Friends and family glibly say you “need to calm down” or “just take deep breaths.”

Meanwhile, you feel like you’re having a heart attack.

You’ve gotta get off this train – NOW.

Sometimes, anxiety can be helpful. It can motivate you or tip you off to potentially dangerous or bad situations.

But the kind of anxiety you’re experiencing is a FALSE ALARM.

Anxiety, like depression, LIES. It tells you that you need to be scared – and it can take over your life. It can result from past trauma, and it’s often best friends with depression.

Right now, it is controlling you, and it gets in the way of everything.

Sleeping is a joke.

Your brain just won’t shut up, and you are beyond exhausted by the mental gymnastics going on inside your head.

Having an unhealthy level of anxiety means that you need to address something.

It seems like you are second-guessing every decision you make now and every decision you’ve made in the past.

You’re pissing off your loved ones because you’re pushing them away and avoiding tough conversations or tasks – not to mention that they don’t have the first clue as to how you feel.

There’s no escape.

It is so much easier to drink too much, smoke too much (and not just nicotine), or pop a pill that just dulls everything. But those aren’t going to make this go away.

And the constant worry? Let’s not get started on that.

But what can you do?

You have to go through it to get to the other side.

But we’ll work through it together.

I’m not saying it will be easy, but I will say that it will be so worth it.

Our number one priority is getting to the root of the issue – whether it’s something that you’re avoiding, or that has happened, or that you think will happen.

Together, we’ll make sense of the source of your anxiety. And I’ll show you ways to manage it using mindfulness techniques.

Meditation, breathing exercises, learning to identify where you feel things in your body, and understanding how your amazing brain processes information and sends you into fight, freeze, or flight mode – to name a few – can help you regain control and meet every day with greater confidence.

There are many ways to manage anxiety, and we’ll find what works best for you. Together, we can work to kiss that crappy and crippling feeling goodbye.

Picture the new you.

Just imagine how it would be to feel secure and to have the ability to control anxious thoughts that are taking over your life.

Imagine managing your anxiety by using skills that not only resonate with you, but also make sense and fit with your lifestyle.

Imagine having control of your anxiety and figuring out what triggers it in the first place.

Imagine confidently saying that you’re no longer available for things that make you feel like shit?

Now, let’s turn imagination into reality…

Reach out today, and let me help you get back in control of your life and experience the liberation and exhilaration of freedom.

Let’s banish the panic attacks and make anxiety your bitch. If I could learn, you can, too.